Archive for the ‘Push Back’ Category


Is AARP and Obamacare the modern Soilent Green?

August 20, 2009

Following is an interview with New York’s former Lt. Governor Betsy McCaughey warning about healthcare rationing planned for elderly (approximately age 60+) on page 425 of the current US House Democrat’s bill:

Maddow and Obama insist that there was no provision in the proposed bill that suggests end of life counseling. Maddow even referred to it as Living Will preparation. It was actually the next section of the bill (1233). So tell me this, if it wasn’t in there, why did they take it out last Thursday?

AARP supports it! Even though they are speaking out on television that they are not, here is one of their commercials and don’t forget to visit their POLICY site! It is complete with contact names. Give me a break!

BTW, if I suddenly disappear you know why! LOL!


Minnesota Tea Party Patriots

May 14, 2009

Minnesota Tea Party


The number one asked question is What’s Next? The time has come for the next steps. The time has come to step forward and get involved again. Tea Party Patriots is a grassroots organization lead by all the people involved. Take some time to read over this post and figure out a place you can get plugged in to help out between now and our next big event on the 4th of July. Some immediate needs:

-July 4th Tea Party Organizers
-District Coordinators
-Technology Trainers
-Constitutional Class Instructors

Please read over the descriptions and contact us at


Tea Party Patriots is a non partisan grassroots organization that is centered around supporting the individual tea parties throughout Minnesota and the nation. We share the common core values of tea party participants throughout the nation: Fiscal Responsibility, Limited Government and Free Markets. The Tea Party Patriots mission is to bring together like-minded individuals, educate and inform others about the core values and to secure public policy and elected officials consistent with those values.

The official website of the nationwide Tea Party Patriots goes into more detail about the movement. An important note this is not a top down organization but rather a bottom up organization where the direction, message and methodology are driven from the ground up. The real leaders of the tea party are all the local organizers throughout the country as the most effective tea party work is done at the local level.

The state and national coordinators of Tea Party Patriots exist only to help the local organizers and to facilitate common messages and communication. The national organizers are also local tea party coordinators who were involved from the beginning with the coordination of a nation wide effort of locally organized groups of patriots coming together for a common cause.

The Tea Party Movement was created spontaneously by patriots across the nation who joined together to say “Enough!” and it is those patriots unified around a common message that will help keep the government of America limited and fiscally sound. Thank you for joining us and we are excited to work together.


Thanks to everyone who came out for the April 15th Tea Parties throughout the state. We had great turnout! Now it is time to keep the momentum moving forward as we head into the summer events and keep the tea party movement growing.

One of the most common questions we hear is “What’s Next?” Everyone is excited to keep the momentum moving forward and affect real change in our state and nation. We have several events coming up and many ways you can get involved.

The tea party movement is at its heart and soul a grassroots movement. That means it can not be done without each and every one of you engaged in your community. April 15th was such a success because patriots across the state joined and worked together for a common goal. As the movement moves forward and grows the organizational needs expand and more people will need to step forward and help out.

Over the next few days we will be posting many opportunities and ways for you to get involved in your neighborhoods, communities and across the state of Minnesota. We are here to help facilitate all of you in our common fight for a government that values fiscal responsibility, limited government and free markets.

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Conservative push is working!

March 7, 2009

Last night, the Obama/Pelosi/Reid $410 billion Omnibus to fund non-defense government spending through September was pulled off the Senate floor. This wasteful monstrosity did not have the 60 votes required for passage. It appears at least 41 Senators object to the massive increase in spending — 8% over last year’s budget – and the larding in of 8,500 earmarks totaling $7.7 billion.

A senior Senate aide told me this morning that many Senators do not want a repeat of the Stimulus battle where their offices were literally shut down with telephone calls and their email was swamped with messages going after the wasteful spending.

You see, they’re talking about Americans like you. When you fight, the politicians get awfully nervous – even on a bill the President, Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid assumed was an easy victory.

While Americans are losing jobs and seeing life savings evaporate this Obama/Pelosi/Reid $410 billion Omnibus funds earmarks like: $2.1 million for a Center for Grape Research in NY $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa $951,500 for Sustainable Las Vegas (I’m not making this up) $2 million for “the promotion of astronomy” in Hawaii $200,000 for a tattoo removal program President Obama, after campaigning on a pledge to veto earmarks, now says $7.7 billion for 8,500 earmarks is ok with him.

Sadly, the President cares more about letting his friends in Congress stuff pet projects into an already massive spending bill than keeping his promise to protect the American people from earmarks abuse and waste. Call your two Senators today and tell them to vote NO on the Obama/Pelosi/Reid $410 billion Omnibus that increases spending by another 8% and funds 8,500 pork barrel earmarks at a time when hundreds-of-thousands of Americans are losing their jobs.

The number at the Senate switchboard is 202-224-3121.

The vote will probably happen Monday so please act fast.

But as bad as this Omnibus is with all its earmarks, there is a far more important battle coming that you and I must gear up for now. It’s going to be over the Obama budget for 2009/2010.

In a nutshell the Obama budget Spends more than any budget in American history and admits to a $1.75 trillion deficit. Creates a “Cap and Trade” system that is an ENERGY TAX on Americans. The Obama budget admits this tax will be at least $645 billion in the first 8 years alone. Prices will go up on gasoline for cars, energy to heat and cool your home. Prices will increase on just about every good you buy — from food to consumer goods because of the higher energy costs to grow the food and make the goods. Combined with the Stimulus, the Obama budget brings back the old social welfare system that trapped so many Americans in despair while wasting billions.

There’s so much more but to see the worst aspects of the Obama budget go to our Americans for Prosperity website.

I’m asking you to educate yourself and friends on this Obama budget. It’s going to take an all out effort by us to protect our nation’s future and our economic freedoms by defeating or changing this Obama budget.

In coming days I’ll have more details about the battle ahead and specific ways that you can make a difference. But for now, call your Senator on this $410 billion Omnibus boondoggle And, recruit friends and family to join the website by signing the petition there. It’s the best way to make sure they join the fight for freedom! Much lies ahead, you and I need to make sure we keep turning up the heat.


P.S. At Americans for Prosperity we were honored to help lead a number of the “ Taxpayer Tea Parties ” across the nation last week. Click here for photos and coverage. It was exciting! I’m in Milwaukee for one of our rallies Saturday at 9am and then Tulsa on Monday morning. To attend either event call us at 202-349-5880. Many more events are being planned so stay tuned.


We need a conservative Schoolhouse Rock campaign!

February 23, 2009

Schoolhouse rock revolution:

Schoolhouse Rock – Preamble

Schoolhouse Rock – No More Kings

Schoolhouse Rock – Declaration of Independence

Schoolhouse Rock – Women Vote!